Dignam, Marc
Department of Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy
Nunzi, Jean-Michel
Department of Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy
Research Themes
Natural sciences
Mathematics and statistics
Pure mathematics
Algebraic and differential geometry
Category theory, K theory, homological algebra
Classical analysis in pure mathematics
Combinatorics and discrete mathematics
Differential equations and integral equations in pure mathematics
Foundations, logic, and set theory of mathematics
Metric and fractal geometry
Modern analysis in mathematics
Number theory
Applied mathematics
Applied mathematics, n.e.c.
Calculus of variations, systems theory and control theory
Computational fluid mechanics
Dynamical systems in applications
Integral equations in applied mathematics
Mathematical biology
Mathematical modelling and simulation
Mathematical operations research
Mathematical optimization
Mathematical physics
Partial and ordinary differential equations
Actuarial science and mathematical finance
Biostatistical methods
Computational methods in statistics
General statistical methods
High dimensional data analysis
Probability theory
Spatial statistics
Statistical inference
Statistical learning
Statistical methods for high throughput data
Statistical theory and modeling
Survey methodology and analysis
Computer and information sciences
Artificial intelligence (AI)
Artificial intelligence, n.e.c.
Artificial life
Cognitive computing
Computer modelling on perception, memory and attention
Computer vision in artificial intelligence
Data mining
Distributed artificial intelligence
Expert systems technologies in artificial intelligence
Intelligent robotics
Knowledge representation
Logic programming in artificial intelligence
Machine learning
Natural language processing
Pattern recognition and artificial vision
Planning and scheduling in artificial intelligence
Search methodologies in artificial intelligence
Theoretical computer science and computational mathematics
Algorithms and data structures
Analysis of algorithms and complexity
Applied discrete mathematics
Coding and information theory
Computational logic theory
Encryption and cryptography
Mathematical software
Numerical computation
Programming languages and software engineering
Adaptive software engineering
Computation models
Programming language and software engineering, n.e.c.
Programming languages
Real-time software and ultra-large systems
Software architecture
Software domains (including operating systems and software infrastructure)
Software function properties
Software system models
Computing systems
Computing systems, n.e.c.
Distributed systems
Networking and communications
Quantum computing
Human-centered computing
Computer graphics
Data visualization
Human computer interaction
Ubiquitous and mobile computing
User-adaptive and personalized systems
Virtual and augmented reality, and related simulations
Information Systems
Database management
Decision support systems
Information privacy
Information retrieval
Information system security
Information systems development methodologies
Privacy-enhancing technologies
Spatial-temporal data systems
Library science and information studies
Archival, repository and related studies
Human information behaviour (including human information retrieval)
Information literacy
Library science (librarianship)
Organization of information and knowledge resources
Scientometrics, bibliometrics, webometrics and other quantitative aspects of information (Informetrics)
Algorithms and computational genomics
Bioinformatics, n.e.c.
Computational biomodelling
Computational neurosciences
DNA computing
Evolutionary computation
Genetic algorithms
Genetic programming
Molecular and atomic computing
Other computer and information sciences
Physical sciences
Astronomical and space sciences
Astronomical and space instrumentation (including atmospheric observation)
Astronomical and space sciences, n.e.c.
Celestial mechanics
Cosmology and extragalactic astronomy
Dark energy
Galactic astronomy
General relativity and gravitational waves in astronomical and space sciences
Planetary science (except planetary geology)
Space and solar physics
Stellar astronomy and planetary systems
Theoretical and computational astrophysics
Subatomic physics
Accelerator for nuclear and particle physics (including synchrotons)
Astroparticle physics
High-energy astrophysics and cosmic rays
Intermediate subatomic energy reactions
Nuclear physics theory
Particle physics theory (including aspects of field theory and string theory)
Particle physics, experimental
Subatomic physics instrumentation
Weak interactions of elementary particles
Atomic, molecular, and optical physics
Atomic and molecular physics
Atomic and molecular spectroscopy
Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, n.e.c.
Classical and physical optics
Lasers and quantum electronics
Nonlinear optics and spectroscopy
Photonics, optoelectronics and optical communications
Quantum optics
Classical physics
Fluid physics
Thermodynamics and statistical physics
Condensed matter physics
Condensed matter experiments
Condensed matter modelling and density functional theory
Condensed matter physics, n.e.c.
Electronic and magnetic properties of condensed matter and supraconductivity
Low-temperature physics
Soft condensed matter
Surfaces and structural properties of condensed matter
Quantum physics
General relativity and gravitational waves in quantum physics
Quantum information, computation and communication
Quantum technologies
Statistical mechanics in quantum physics
Other physical sciences
Complex physical systems
Medical physics
Chemical sciences
Analytical chemistry
Analytical chemistry, n.e.c.
Analytical spectrometry
Electroanalytical chemistry
Environmental chemistry (except atmospheric chemistry)
Flow analysis in chemistry
Immunological and bioassay methods
Instrumental methods (except immunological and bioassay methods)
Sensor technology (chemical aspects)
Inorganic chemistry
Bioinorganic chemistry
Inorganic catalysis and reaction mechanisms
Inorganic green chemistry
Inorganic materials
Inorganic photochemistry
Main group metal chemistry
Metal-mediated catalysis
Organometallic chemistry
Physical inorganic chemistry
Solid state chemistry
Supramolecular inorganic chemistry
Organic chemistry
Combinatorial chemistry
Free radical chemistry
Natural products chemistry
Organic catalysis and mechanisms of reactions
Organic chemical synthesis
Organic chemistry, n.e.c.
Organic photochemistry
Physical organic chemistry
Quality assurance, chemometrics, traceability and metrological chemistry
Supramolecular organic chemistry
Macromolecular and materials chemistry
Characterization of materials
Functional materials in materials chemistry sciences
Macromolecular and materials chemistry, n.e.c.
Polymerization mechanisms
Synthesis of materials
Theory and design of materials
Biomolecular and medicinal chemistry
Chemical biology
Medicinal chemistry
Molecular modelling and design
Proteins and peptides
Physical chemistry (including structural)
Colloid and surface chemistry
Development and applications of spectroscopic and structural techniques
Nuclear chemistry
Optical properties of materials
Physical chemistry applications of photonics
Physical chemistry of materials
Physical chemistry, n.e.c.
Computational and theoretical chemistry
Chemical thermodynamics and energetics
Computational chemistry
Quantum chemistry
Reaction kinetics and dynamics
Statistical mechanics in chemistry
Theoretical chemistry, n.e.c.
Other chemical sciences
Combustion and forest fuel chemistry
Industrial chemistry
Earth and related environmental sciences
Atmospheric sciences
Atmospheric dynamics and thermodynamics
Atmospheric pollution and air quality
Climate change impacts and adaptation
Climate modelling
Cloud physics
Meteorology and weather
Planetary atmospheres studies
Environmental geochemistry
Exploration geochemistry
Geochemistry, n.e.c.
Inorganic geochemistry
Isotope geochemistry
Organic geochemistry
Basin analysis
Economic geology
Geology, n.e.c.
Igneous petrology
Metamorphic petrology
Mineralogy and crystallography (except soil mineralogy and chemicals aspects of crystallography)
Planetary geology
Stratigraphy (including biostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy)
Structural geology
Geophysical fluid dynamics
Rock and mineral physics
Marine geology
Nearshore processes and coastal oceanography
Physical oceanography
Environmental geoscience
Environmental geoscience, n.e.c.
Environmental monitoring
Landscape evolution
Physical and catchment hydrology
Soil hydrology
Surface water hydrology
Water quality
Cryosphere processes
Geomatics and earth systems observations
Geographic information system (GIS and GPS) applications
Geomatics and earth systems observations, n.e.c.
Remote sensing applications (except remote sensing in geomatics and photogrammetry)
Natural environment sciences
Ecological restoration (except bioremediation)
Environmental impact assessment
Indigenous peoples environmental knowledge
Natural environment sciences, n.e.c.
Natural environment sustainability studies
Natural resource management
Quantitative methods for environmental sciences
Wildlife and habitat management
Soil sciences
Carbon sequestration science
Soil biogeochemistry and microbiology
Soil biology
Soil chemistry (except carbon sequestration science)
Soil degradation
Soil mineralogy and micromorphology
Other earth and related environmental sciences
Earth system sciences
Other earth and related environmental sciences, n.e.c.
Biological sciences
Analytical biochemistry
Enzymes (including kinetics and mechanisms, and biocatalyst)
Nucleic acids studies
Protein and gene networks
Synthetic biology
Systems biology
Cell biology
Cell and nuclear division
Cell differentiation, proliferation and death
Cell metabolism
Cellular interactions (including adhesion, matrix and cell wall)
Computational cell biology
Human biophysics
Intracellular signaling, signal transduction, receptor and membrane biology
Organelle function
Protein trafficking in cell biology
Structural biology (including macromolecular modelling)
Ecology (except applications)
Behavioural ecology
Community ecology (except invasive species ecology)
Ecological mathematical and statistical models
Ecological physiology (except plant ecology)
Ecology, n.e.c.
Estuarine and freshwater ecology
Evolutionary ecology
Marine ecology (including marine ichthyology)
Plant physiological ecology
Plant-animal interactions
Population ecology
Terrestrial ecology
Ecological applications
Ecological applications, n.e.c.
Ecological impacts of climate change
Ecosystem function
Global change biology
Invasive species ecology
Landscape ecology
Biological evolution
Biogeography and phylogeography
Biological adaptation
Biological evolution, n.e.c.
Evolution of developmental systems
Evolutionary impacts of climate change
Evolutionary mathematical and statistical models
Life histories
Natural selection and sexual selection
Epigenetics and epigenomics
Gene regulation and expression
Genetics engineering
Genetics, n.e.c.
Genome structure and stability
Molecular evolution
Molecular genetics
Population, ecological and evolutionary genetics
Quantitative genetics (including disease and trait mapping genetics)
Somatic mutations
Environmental microbiology (including air microbiology)
Microbial ecology and evolution
Microbial genetics
Animal physiology
Animal physiology, n.e.c.
Animal physiology, thermoregulation
Plant biology
Molecular plant and microbe interactions (including host pathogen interactions)
Plant biology, n.e.c.
Plant cell and molecular biology
Plant developmental and reproductive biology
Plant genetics (phytogenetics)
Plant hormone biology
Plant microbiota
Plant nutrition and metabolism
Plant pathology
Plant physiology
Plant stress biology
Animal behaviour
Animal cell and molecular biology
Animal immunology
Animal physiological ecology
Insect biology
Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects
Animal neurobiology
Behavioural neuroscience of learning and memory
Behavioural neuroscience of reward and motivation
Cellular neuroscience
Molecular neuroscience
Neurocognitive patterns and neural networks
Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects, n.e.c.
Other biological sciences
Other biological sciences
Engineering and technology
Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering
Civil engineering
Building construction engineering
Civil engineering, n.e.c.
Concrete, cementitious materials and other architectural and construction materials
Geotechnical engineering
Hydraulic engineering
Infrastructure engineering
Structural engineering
Water resources infrastructure engineering
Marine engineering
Marine platform hydrodynamics engineering
Land transportation systems engineering
Land transportation systems engineering, n.e.c.
Pavement materials and structure
Public transportation engineering
Railway and airport engineering
Transportation demand modelling
Transportation systems infrastructure engineering for autonomous vehicles
Mining engineering
Mining engineering
Industrial, systems and processes engineering
Human factor engineering
Assistive technologies
Brain-computer interface
Control design
Human-computer systems and interface
Physical, environmental and cognitive ergonomics
Systems engineering
Design and analysis of systems
Intelligent renewable energy systems
Modelling and applications of systems
Operational research
Bilevel optimization and game theory
Combinatorial and network optimization (including programming and metaheuristics)
Decisions and risk analysis
Optimization under uncertainty (including stochastic and robust optimization)
Programming in operational research (including linear and nonlinear programming)
Stochastic models (including queueing and simulation)
Biosystems and agricultural engineering
Other industrial, systems and processes engineering
Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering
Computer engineering
Computational languages (including domain-specific languages)
Computer architecture
Computer configurable hardware
Computer memory systems and storage
Computer systems engineering
Digital hardware and technologies
Hardware and software for computer security
Machine learning systems
Middleware systems
Systems software
Communications and networks technologies
Cloud computing systems
Coding and information theory applied to communications and networks technologies
Communications and network control systems
Communications and networks technologies, n.e.c.
Cyber-physical systems
Cybersecurity and privacy technologies
Digital communications
Fibre-optic communications technologies
Internet of Things
Multimedia communication and networking
Network protocols and architectures
Network science and engineering
Networked robotics and automation
Optical networks
Service network management systems
Software-defined network (SDN)
Wireless communication systems
Data analytics and signal processing
Artificial intelligence engineering
Bio-signal processing and analysis
Cognition and cognitive dynamic systems
Computer vision in data analytics and signal processing
Data analytics and signal processing, n.e.c.
Distributed computation and signal processing
Image and video processing and analysis
Learning and adaptive systems
Optimization and data analytics algorithms and systems
Remote sensing of signal processing
Signal processing for security and privacy
Signal processing modelling and simulation systems
Electrical energy systems
Energy storage
High-Voltage DC (HVDC) systems
Power distribution systems
Power dynamics and control systems
Power electronics
Renewable energy systems (except smart systems engineering)
Smart power grids
Electromagnetics, photonics and optics
Antennas and propagation
Applied electromagnetics
Applied optics
Electricity and magnetism theory
Electromagnetics, photonics and optics, n.e.c.
Fiber optics
Instruments and circuits for RF microwave and millimeter wave
Integrated optics
Microwave theory and techniques
Nonlinear optics
Optical and data communications
Optical instrumentation (including sensing and metrology)
Optical spectroscopy
Photonics and electro-optical engineering
Quantum photonics
Semiconductor devices
Terahertz studies
Ultrafast optics
Biomedical electronics
Circuits and systems
Electrical circuits
Electro-optic integrated circuits
Electronics, n.e.c.
Lab-on-a-chip (LOC) technologies
Machine learning accelerators
Microelectrical mechanical systems and microsystems design
Microelectronics and integrated circuits
Microfabrication techniques in electronics
Mixed-signal integrated circuits
Modeling techniques in electronics
Power management integrated circuits
Quantum electronics
Semiconductor and atomic-scale electronic devices
Sensory electronics
Thin films
Systems control and automation
Control with complex specifications
Data-driven estimation, optimization, and control
Distributed control and estimation
Game theory and optimal control
Motion control of robots
Networked control systems
Nonlinear and hybrid control systems
Systems biology and control
Systems controls and automation, n.e.c.
Mechanical engineering
Aerospace engineering
Aerodynamics (except hypersonic aerodynamics)
Automotive engineering
Automotive combustion and fuel engineering (including alternative and renewable fuels)
Automotive mechatronics
Automotive safety engineering
Autonomous vehicles (except systems infrastructures)
Hybrid vehicles and powertrains
Manufacturing engineering
Machine tools
Manufacturing management
Manufacturing processes and technologies (except textiles)
Manufacturing safety and quality
Mechatronics (except automotive mechatronics)
Packaging, storage and transportation (except food and agricultural products)
Other mechanical engineering
Acoustics and noise control (except architectural acoustics)
Automation and control engineering
Dynamics, vibration and vibration control
Fluid-structure interaction
Fluidization and fluid mechanics
Heat and mass transfer operations
Mechanical characterization (including modeling, testing, and monitoring)
Numerical modelling and mechanical characterisation
Chemical engineering
Chemical engineering
Biochemical engineering
Carbon capture engineering
Catalytic process engineering
Chemical engineering design
Fuel engineering (including renewable)
Non-automotive combustion engineering (including alternative and renewable fuels)
Process control and simulation in chemical engineering
Reaction fundamentals and reactor design
Materials engineering and resources engineering
Materials engineering
Composite and hybrid materials
Compound semiconductors
Electrical, optical, catalytic and magnetic properties of thin layers
Functional materials in materials engineering sciences
Glass engineering
Materials engineering, n.e.c.
Metals and alloy materials engineering
Methods of synthesis and growth of materials
Nanoparticle synthesis, properties and applications
Organic semiconductors
Polymers and plastics engineering
Relation micro-nanostructure and properties
Resources engineering and extractive metallurgy
Mineral processing and beneficiation
Medical and biomedical engineering
Medical and biomedical engineering
Artificial tissues engineering
Biomechanical engineering
Biomedical instrumentation (including diagnostics)
Biomedical materials
Biomedical robotics
Biomedical signal processing
Image guided surgery systems
Medical and biomedical engineering, n.e.c.
Medical devices
Rehabilitation engineering (except assistive technologies)
Environmental engineering and related engineering
Environmental engineering
Bioremediation and soil restoration
Environmental engineering, n.e.c.
Environmental impacts
Product life cycle
Residual materials management
Waste management (including agricultural waste)
Wastewater treatment (including water treatment processes)
Water quality engineering
Geomatics engineering
Geomatic surveying (including hydrographic surveying)
Geospatial information systems
Remote sensing in geomatics and photogrammetry
Other environmental engineering and related engineering
Other environmental engineering and related engineering
Environmental biotechnology
Environmental biotechnology
Environmental biotechnology diagnostics (including biosensors)
Environmental biotechnology, n.e.c.
Environmental marine biotechnology
Environmental molecular engineering of nucleic acids and proteins
Industrial biotechnology
Industrial biotechnology
Biocatalysis and enzyme technology
Bioprocessing, bioproduction and bioproducts
Fermentation biotechnology
Industrial biotechnology diagnostics (including biosensors)
Industrial molecular engineering of nucleic acids and proteins
Environmental nanotechnology
Molecular and organic electronics
Nanoelectromechanical systems
Nanofabrication, growth and self-assembly
Nanoscale characterisation
Nanotechnology, n.e.c.
Nanotoxicology, health and safety
Other engineering and technologies
Engineering design
Engineering design empirical studies
Engineering design knowledge
Engineering design methods
Engineering systems design
Models of engineering design
Nuclear engineering (including fuel enrichment and nuclear waste processing and storage)
Software Engineering
Medical, health and life sciences
Basic medicine and life sciences
Adaptive immunity
Applied immunology (including antibody engineering, xenotransplantation and t-cell therapies)
Cellular immunology
Humoural immunology and immunochemistry
Immune deficiency
Immune diseases
Immune tolerance
Immunogenetics (including genetic immunology)
Immunology, n.e.c.
Innate immunity
Tumour immunology
Cancer diagnosis
Cancer drug development and therapeutics
Cancer genetics
Cancer molecular targets
Cancer progression and metastasis
Hematological tumours
Mechanisms of carcinogenesis
Solid cancer tumours
Medical microbiology
Antimicrobial resistance
Human microbiota
Medical bacteriology
Medical infection agents (including prions)
Medical microbiology, n.e.c.
Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects
Applied behavioural neurology and neuropsychiatry
Autonomic nervous system
Central nervous system
Glial cell studies
Motor systems
Neural excitability and synapses
Neurological disorders (except neuromuscular diseases)
Neuromuscular diseases
Neurosciences, medical and health and physiological aspects, n.e.c.
Sensorimotor neuroscience
Sensory systems, auditory
Sensory systems, pain
Sensory systems, somatosensory
Sensory systems, vestibular
Sensory systems, visual
Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences (except clinical aspects)
Basic pharmacology
Drug discovery, design and delivery
Toxicology (except clinical toxicology)
Human physiology
Computational physiology
Human physiology, n.e.c.
Sensorimotor physiology
Systems physiology
Musculoskeletal health and human movement
Balance, gait, and locomotion
Bone, skin and cartilage science
Exercise physiology
Human biomechanics
Musculoskeletal biology and physiology
Other musculoskeletal health and human movement, n.e.c.
Sensorimotor control
Other basic medicine and life sciences
Other basic medicine and life sciences
Clinical medicine
Cardiorespiratory medicine and hematology
Cardiology and circulatory sciences (including cardiovascular disease)
Cardiac arrest and resusitation
Cardiorespiratory medicine and hematology, n.e.c.
Cerebrovascular sciences (including stroke)
Respiratory diseases
Respiratory sciences
Respiratory system pathologies and clinical interventions
Vascular and endothelial biology
Clinical sciences
Clinical and translational cardiovascular sciences
Clinical genetics (except cancer genetics)
Clinical microbiology
Clinical oncology
Clinical sciences on diabetes
Clinical sciences on obesity
Clinical sexology
Critical care medicine and emergency medicine
Geriatrics and gerontology
Human endocrinology (except diabetes and obesity)
Human metabolism and diseases (except diabetes and obesity)
Infectious diseases
Pathology (except oral pathology)
Psychiatry (including psychotherapy)
Radiology, nuclear medicine and medical imaging
Sexually transmitted diseases and infections
Translational and clinical pharmacology, and therapeutics
Complementary and alternative medicine
Traditional Indigenous medicine and treatments
Dentistry and oral health
Oral medicine and pathology
Pediatrics and reproductive medicine
Assisted reproductive technologies
Fertility and maternal health
Fetal development and medicine
Human reproduction and development sciences
Obstetrics and gynecology
Pediatrics and reproductive medicine, n.e.c.
Other clinical medicine
Health sciences
Human nutrition and dietetics
Clinical nutrition
Human nutrition and metabolism
Nutritional physiology
Public health nutrition policy
Sports nutrition
Public and population health
Aging process
Environmental and occupational health and safety
Environmental determinants of health (including environment-gene interactions)
Environmental, developmental and social factors of youth health
Epidemiology (except nutritional and veterinary epidemiology)
Ethical, legal, and social issues in health, health systems and health research
Etiology of disease and conditions
Food security
Gender and health relationship
Global health
Health and gender based violence
Health equity
Health promotion and disease prevention
Indigenous health
Military and veterans' health
Nutritional epidemiology
One Health approach
Population health interventions
Prevention, treatment and support of youth health
Psychosocial, sociocultural and behavioural determinants of health
Public and population health, n.e.c.
Sex and gender-based analysis
Social and biological determinants of aging
Rehabilitation medicine
Mental health rehabilitation
Occupational therapy
Physical therapy
Rehabilitation medicine, n.e.c.
Sports medicine
Health services and systems
Community child health
Electronic health (e-Health)
Health and community services
Health care administration
Health care effectiveness and outcomes
Health care safety and quality improvement
Health counselling
Health information systems (including surveillance)
Health services and systems, n.e.c.
Knowledge translation and implementation science in health
Mobile health (mHealth)
Patient and citizen engagement research
Aged health care services (except nursing)
Care, n.e.c.
Coordinated and integrated care
Emergency care and critical care
Family care
Genetic medicine
Health care access, privilege or marginalization
Home health care
Hospital and specialist care
Internal medicine
Maternal and newborn care
Palliation and end-of-life care
Patient-centered care
Personalized medicine
Primary health care
Residential client care
Services for persons with disabilities
Clinical nursing, primary (preventive care)
Clinical nursing, secondary (acute care)
Clinical nursing, tertiary (rehabilitative care)
Geriatric nursing
Mental health nursing
Nursing, n.e.c.
Other health sciences
Medical biotechnology
Medical biotechnology
Gene and molecular therapy
Medical biotechnology diagnostics (including biosensors)
Medical biotechnology, n.e.c.
Medical molecular engineering of nucleic acids and proteins
Regenerative medicine (including stem cells and tissue engineering)
Other medical sciences
Other medical sciences
Other medical sciences
knowledge translation
the science of evidence synthesis
Agricultural and veterinary sciences
Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries
Agriculture, land and farm management
Agricultural ecology
Agricultural land planning
Agriculture, land and farm management, n.e.c.
Farming systems research
Indigenous food system
Sustainable agricultural development
Forestry sciences
Forest ecology
Forestry management and environment
Fisheries sciences
Aquatic ecosystem studies and stock assessment
Fish physiology and genetics
Fisheries management
Fisheries sciences, n.e.c.
Animal and dairy sciences
Animal production
Animal breeding
Animal growth and development
Animal nutrition and metabolism
Animal reproduction
Agricultural biotechnology and food sciences
Agricultural biotechnology
Agricultural biotechnology diagnostics (including biosensors)
Agricultural marine biotechnology
Food sciences (including food engineering)
Food engineering
Food sciences, n.e.c.
Social sciences
Psychology and cognitive sciences
Psychology, social and behavioural aspects
Clinical child psychology
Clinical psychology
Community psychology
Counselling psychology
Cultural psychology
Developmental psychology
Educational psychology
Evolutionary psychology
Gender psychology
Health psychology
Industrial and organizational psychology
Mental health and wellbeing
Personality psychology
Positive psychology
Psychological methodology design and analysis, and psychometrics
Psychological trauma and related clinical interventions
Psychology, social and behavioural aspects, n.e.c.
Sexual identity, sexual attraction and sexual behaviour
Social cognition
Social psychology
Sport and exercise psychology
Cognitive sciences
Cognitive behaviour
Cognitive development
Cognitive understanding
Judgement and decision making
Memory (including episodic and semantic memory, and working memory)
Sensory processes, perception and performance
Sleep (including sleep behaviour and development)
Speech comprehension
Speech production
Economics and business administration
Agricultural economics
Circular economy
Collaborative economy and sharing economy
Comparative economic systems
Economic history and heterodox economics
Economic systems
Economics of development and growth
Economics of education
Economics of health care
Economics of innovation and technical change
Economics of international development
Economics, n.e.c.
Environment and natural resources economics
Experimental economics
Financial economics
Indigenous economics
Industry economics and industrial organization
International economics and international finance
Labour and demographic economics
Macroeconomics (including monetary and fiscal theory)
Public economics
Social and solidarity economics
Urban, rural and regional economics
Welfare economics
Industrial relations and work relations
Human resources management
Industrial relations and work relations, n.e.c.
Interpersonal communication in the workplace studies
Labour laws, policies and standards applications in the workplace
Occupational health, safety and wellness management
Advertising and promotion
Market studies
Marketing, n.e.c.
Sales and marketing
Finance, n.e.c.
Financial management
Financial systems and banking
Monetary systems and policies
Stock markets
Taxation and tax systems
Management and trade
Assessment and optimization in management
Business policy
Change management
Competitiveness and innovation
Crisis management
Environmental management (except in natural environment)
International trade
Management information systems
Management theory
Operations and supply chain management
Organizational behaviour
Public sector and government management
Social innovation management
Sustainability management
Sustainable development and policy
Education systems
Adult and continuing education, and community education
Distance learning
Early childhood education
Education systems, n.e.c.
Higher education
Indigenous education system
Open education
Primary education
Secondary education
Technical, continuing and workplace education
Curriculum, pedagogy and didactics
Creative arts, media and communication curriculum, and pedagogy and didactics
Curriculum and pedagogy theory and development
Economics, business and management curriculum, pedagogy and didactics
English language and literacy curriculum, pedagogy and didactics (except ESL, TESOL, LOTE and sign language)
Humanities and social sciences curriculum, pedagogy and didactics (except economics, business and management)
Mathematics and numeracy curriculum, pedagogy and didactics
Medicine, nursing and health curriculum, pedagogy and didactics
Open pedagogy
Physical education and development curriculum, pedagogy and didactics
Science, technology and engineering curriculum, pedagogy and didactics
Teaching approaches
Vocational education and training curriculum, pedagogy and didactics
Specialized studies in education
Comparative and cross-cultural education
Educational administration, management and leadership
Educational assessment and evaluation
Educational counselling
Educational technology and computing
Ethnic education (except Indigenous education)
Gender, sexuality and education
Inter-disciplinary, trans-disciplinary learning and education
Learning sciences
Special education and disability
Specialized studies in Indigenous education
STEM Education
Teacher education and professional development of educators
Other education
Disciplinary education
Environmental education and extension
Other education, n.e.c.
Sociology and related studies
Applied sociology, program evaluation and social impact assessment
Environmental sociology
Race and ethnic relations
Rural sociology
Social theory
Sociological methodology and research methods
Sociology and social studies of health, health systems and health care
Sociology and social studies of science and technology
Sociology of education
Sociology of work
Urban sociology and community studies
Other studies in human society
Postcolonial systems and colonialism studies
Social institutions
Social oppression and marginalization
Social relations
Social structures
Studies of Canadian society
Studies of Indigenous societies
Law and legal practice
Law (except legal practice and international law)
Aboriginal law
Business, commercial and corporate law
Civil law
Common law
Comparative law
Constitutional law
Consumer law
Criminal law and procedure
Environmental and natural resources law
Equity and trusts law
Family law, children's law and elder law
Health law
Human rights
Indigenous law
Intellectual property law
Labour, employment, compensation and pension law
Law and society
Law and technology
Private law
Tax law
Torts, private obligations and product liability law
Legal practice
Access to justice
Lawyering and the legal profession
Legal institutions (including courts and justice systems)
Legal practice, n.e.c.
Legal theory, jurisprudence and legal interpretation
Litigation, adjudication and dispute resolution
International law
International law, n.e.c.
International trade law
Private international law
Public international law (except international trade law)
Political science and policy administration
Political science
Political areas studies
American politics
Canadian politics and government
Comparative politics
Indigenous politics
International relations
Judicial politics
Political behaviour and election studies
Political methodology
Political science, n.e.c.
Political theory
Social movements and democracy
Specialized politics
Policy and policy administration
Arts and cultural policy
Communication and media policy
Crime policy
Cybersecurity policy
Economic development policy
Educational policy
Employment policy
Environmental policy
Health policy
Indigenous policy and policy administration
International cooperation and development policies
Policy and policy administration, n.e.c.
Public administration
Public policy
Public security policy
Research, science and technology policy
Social policy
Tourism policy
Urban policy
Social and economic geography
Human geography
Behavioural geography
Development geography
Economic geography
Environmental geography
Health geography
Historical geography
Human geography, n.e.c.
Political geography
Population geography
Recreation, leisure and tourism geography
Regional geography
Social and cultural geography
Transportation geography
Urban and regional planning
Community planning
History and theory of the built environment (except architecture)
Housing market development and management
Land use and environmental planning
Regional analysis and development
Smart city design and development and related analysis
Urban analysis and development
Urban and regional planning, n.e.c.
Other social and human geography
Media and communications
Communication and media studies
Communication technology and digital media studies
International and development communication
Media studies (except social media and digital media)
Organizational, interpersonal and intercultural communication
Political communication studies
Social media studies
Film, television and digital media
Cinema studies
Computer gaming and animation studies
Film, television and digital media, n.e.c.
Interactive media studies
Television studies
Other media and communication
Other social sciences
Anthropology of sex and gender
Anthropology, n.e.c.
Linguistic anthropology
Social and cultural anthropology
Causes and prevention of crime
Criminological theories
Private policing and security services
Demography, n.e.c.
Family and household demographic studies
Population trends and policies
Other social sciences, n.e.c.
All other social sciences, n.e.c.
Disability studies
Family social studies (except demographic aspects)
Gender studies
Research Data Management
Humanities and the arts
History, archaeology and related studies
Historical studies
African history
American history
Asian history
Book history (including print culture)
British history
Canadian history
Classical Greek and Ancient Rome history
European history (except British, classical Greek and Roman)
Historical studies, n.e.c.
History of medicine and health care
History of sciences and technology (except medicine and health care)
Indigenous history
Latin American history
Medieval history
Archaeological theory
Classical archaeology
Historical archaeology (including industrial archaeology)
Religion and religious studies
Christianity studies (including biblical studies and church history)
Classical religion
Comparative religious studies
Eastern religions
Islamic studies
Jewish studies
Religion and religious studies, n.e.c.
Religion and society
Religion and spirituality of Indigenous peoples
Other studies related to history and archaeology
Other studies related to history and archaeology
Languages and literature
African languages
Arabic language
Asian languages (except chinese language)
Bilingualism and second language learning
Chinese language
Comparative language studies
English language
French language
Languages, n.e.c.
North American Indigenous languages
Other European languages
Other South and Central American languages
Spanish language
Classical linguistics
Computational linguistics
Discourse and pragmatics
Historical linguistics, diachronics, and dialectology
Linguistic structures (including grammar, phonology, lexicon and semantics)
Phonetics and speech sciences
Literature and literary studies
African literatures
Arabic literatures
British literatures
Canadian literatures in English
Classical literatures
Comparative literatures
Contemporary British literatures
Contemporary literatures
Greek and roman literatures
Indigenous literatures
Intellectual history in literary studies
Latin American literatures
Literature and critical theory
Literature and literary studies, n.e.c.
Literatures in French outside Quebec
Medieval Literatures
Old English literatures
Postcolonial literatures
Quebec literatures
Renaissance literatures
South Asian literatures
Twentieth-century British literatures
Other languages and literature
Philosophy (except philosophy of specific fields)
Classical philosophy (Greek, Latin, Medieval)
Contemporary philosophy
Critical theory in philosophy
Environmental philosophy
Feminist philosophy
History of philosophy
Philosophical psychology (including moral psychology and philosophy of action)
Philosophy of cognition
Philosophy of language
Philosophy of law
Philosophy of religion
Philosophy of sciences and technologies
Philosophy of sexuality
Philosophy of specific cultures (including comparative philosophy)
Political philosophy
Social philosophy
Applied ethics
Animal ethics
Applied ethics, n.e.c.
Bioethics (humans and animals)
Business ethics
Ethics and management of personal data
Ethics in technology (e.g., digital, artificial intelligence)
Human rights, justice, and ethical issues
Legal ethics
Professional ethics
Reproductive health ethics
Research ethics
History and philosophy of specific fields
Business and labour history
History and philosophy of economics
History and philosophy of education
History and philosophy of engineering and technology
History and philosophy of law and justice
History and philosophy of science (including non-historical philosophy of science)
History and philosophy of specific fields, n.e.c.
History and philosophy of the humanities
History and philosophy of the social sciences
History of ideas
Intellectual history (except in literary studies)
Arts (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music), architecture and design
Art history and theory
Art theory and analysis
Art theory and criticism, n.e.c.
History of art and architecture
Visual theory, visual culture and visual literacy
Architectural history and theory
Architectural science and technology (including architectural acoustics)
Landscape architecture
Design practice and management
Design innovation
Digital and interaction design
Industrial design
Visual communication design (except computer graphics)
Creative writing
Poetry, essays and songs
Script development
Music composition
Music interpretation
Music, n.e.c.
Sound creation
Performing arts
Indigenous performing arts
Interpretive dance
Music therapy
Musicology and ethnomusicology
Performing arts, n.e.c.
Theater Interpretation
Visual arts and media arts
Digital arts
Media arts
Performance and installation art
Sculpture and painting
Visual arts and media arts, n.e.c.
Curatorial and related studies
Architectural heritage conservation
Cultural property conservation
Materials conservation
Museum studies (Museology)
Other Arts
Other humanities
Cultural studies
Critical film studies
Critical identity, ethnic and race studies
Critical studies of literature
Critical studies of technology
Environment, space and place
Globalization and culture
Media, visual and digital culture
Other cultural studies, n.e.c.
Theories of cultural studies
All other humanities, n.e.c.
Digital humanities
Engineering and technology
Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering
Electromagnetics, photonics and optics
Nonlinear optics
Nonlinear optics
show names
Dignam, Marc
Nunzi, Jean-Michel
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Faculty of Arts and Science
Department of Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy